
教會名稱 教省數 教區數 會友數 網址
中非教省   12 約60萬 http://centralafrica.anglican.org/
澳洲聖公會 5 23 約400萬 http://australia.anglican.org/
剛果教省   5 約30萬  
斯里蘭卡聖公會   2 約5萬  
東南亞教省   4 約17萬 http://southeastasia.anglican.org/
威爾斯聖公會   6 約9萬 www.churchwales.org.uk/
盧安達教省   9 約100萬  
香港聖公會   3 約3萬 http://www.hkskh.org/
印度教省   6 約9萬  
西班牙聖公會     約5000  
古巴聖公會     約3000 http://cuba.anglican.org/
巴西聖公會   7 約10萬  
烏干達聖公會   27 約800萬 http://uganda.anglican.org/
緬甸教省   5 約5萬  
巴布亞新幾內亞聖公會   5 約25萬  
南美教省   7 約2萬 http://southamerica.anglican.org/
墨西哥聖公會   5 約2萬  
蘇丹教省   24 約200萬 http://sudan.anglican.org/
蘇格蘭聖公會   7 約5萬  
中美洲聖公會   5 約13000  
葡萄牙聖公會     約5000  
西印度群島教省   8 約77萬 http://westindies.anglican.org/
耶路撒冷及中東聖公會   4 約1萬 http://jerusalem.anglican.org/
菲律賓聖公會   5 約12萬  
美拉尼西亞教省   7 約16萬 http://melanesia.anglican.org/
愛爾蘭聖公會 2 12 約41萬 www.ireland.anglican.org/
韓國聖公會   3 約14萬 http://anck.peacenet.or.kr/
日本聖公會   11 約6萬 http://nippon.anglican.org/
南非聖公會   23 約200萬 http://southernafrica.anglican.org/
西非教省   11   http://netministries.org/see/church/ch00609
坦尚尼亞教省   16 約138萬 http://tanzania.anglican.org/
肯亞教省   27 約250萬 http://kenya.anglican.org/
蒲隆地教省   5 約43萬 http://burundi.anglican.org/
奈及利亞聖公會 3 60 約1750萬 http://nigeria.anglican.org/
新西蘭及玻里尼西亞聖公會   9 約22萬 http://newzealand.anglican.org/
加拿大聖公會 4 30 約74萬 http://canada.anglican.org/
英國聖公會 2 47 約2600萬

The Anglican Communion Web Site

美國聖公會 9   約240萬 The Episcopal Church Web Site


編號 名               稱 網      址
The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia http://newzealand.anglican.org/
2 The Anglican Church of Australia http://australia.anglican.org/
3 The Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil  
4 The Church of the Province of Burundi http://burundi.anglican.org/
5 The Anglican Church of Canada http://canada.anglican.org/
6 The Church of the Province of Central Africa http://centralafrica.anglican.org/
7 The Anglican Church of the Central America Region  
8 The Church of the Province of the Congo  
9 The Church of England The Anglican Communion Web Site
10 The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean http://indianocean.anglican.org/
11 The Church of Ireland www.ireland.anglican.org/
12 The Holy Catholic Church in Japan http://nippon.anglican.org/
13 The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East http://jerusalem.anglican.org/
14 The Anglican Church of Kenya http://kenya.anglican.org/
15 The Anglican Church of Korea http://anck.peacenet.or.kr/
16 The Church of the Province of Melanesia http://melanesia.anglican.org/
17 The Anglican Church of Mexico  
18 The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)  
19 The Church of the Province of Nigeria http://nigeria.anglican.org/
20 The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea  
21 The Philippine Episcopal Church  
22 The Province of the Episcopal Church of Rwanda http://rwanda.anglican.org/
23 The Scottish Episcopal Church  
24 The Church of the Province of Southeast Asia http://southeastasia.anglican.org/
25 The Church of the Province of Sorthern Africa http://southernafrica.anglican.org/
26 The Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America http://southamerica.anglican.org/
27 The Episcopal Church of the Sudan http://sudan.anglican.org/
28 The Church of the Province of Tanzania http://tanzania.anglican.org/
29 The Church of the Province of Uganda http://uganda.anglican.rog/
30 The Episcopal Church (U.S.A.) The Episcopal Church Web Site
31 The Church of Wales www.churchwales.org.uk/
32 The Church of the Province of West Africa http://netministries.org/see/church/ch00609
33 The Church of the Province of the West Indies http://westindies.anglican.org/
The Church in which Anglicans joined other denominations  
34 The Church of South India  
35 The Church of North India  
36 The Church of Pakstan  
37 The Church of Bangladesh  
Chruches outside provinces but in the Anglican Communion under the Archbishop of Canterbury
38 The Lusitanian Church of Portugal  
39 The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church  
40 The Church of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)  
41 Bermuda  
ECUSA (OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF THE USA)      The Episcopal Church Web Site
42 Colombia  
43 Dominican Republic  
44 Ecuador  
45 Haiti  
46 Honduras  
47 Puerto Rico  
48 Taiwan http://www.episcopalchurch.org.tw/
49 Venezuela  
50 Virgin Islands  
 Autonomous, under Metropolitan Council of the primates of the West Indies, Canada and ECUSA Prov. 6
51 Cuba http://cuba.anglican.org/
52 The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Province http://www.hkskh.org/