[音樂指導報告] |
國高中團契 Teenager Group |
[長青團契報告]] [主日學報告] [詩班報告] |
主席: 蔡育儒弟兄 輔導: 鄒才新弟兄
團契,我深深的愛著他,我也相信團契的每個人也都愛著他,在裡面只有無限的愛和尊重,互相扶持,互相依賴,互相包容,每個人都不可缺少,這就是我們! 心動了嗎?歡迎每個國高中加入我們!
In the beginning of being assigned as group leader, I was afraid that I am inadequate for the position. With the faith of God, however, everything went smoothly gradually. Thanks for the efforts of Simon Chou and Rev. Lily who shares her time with us on Saturday, and all support and assistance to us. As what Rev. Lily always said, to meet God in our teenage should be always thankful. In the meeting we share our life to each other. Although the life is sometimes down, we know it’s just the time of trial and learn to away from it by depending on God. This group is full of love and respect. We trust in and are willing to give support to each other. Everyone here is giver and be given. Welcome to join us!