青少年團契 Youth Fellowship                                                    廖志明弟兄


去年(2006)青少年在上半年尚有不錯的活動, 但是下半年由於我自己上課, 很多構想活動似乎停擺。雖然我們然維持每週的活動, 但是顯然不是太精采。我看出席率大概只有平均6~10人.我和天惠簡單的討論, 希望再今年能有一個青年來與我們分擔青少年的工作, 甚至取代我們策劃的角色。我們仍然很熱意協助擔任每週的老師。 

至於老師靈修的部份, 我們期待天惠在下半年度的EMBA課程結束後, 重新策劃啟動。另外我注意到青年投入青少年的工作也減少許多, 不知是否有良策改善。 

謝謝才新、文琳、楷洋、天惠、.林淵、聖文在青少年工作的協助, 以及許多默默協助的同工.願主祝福你們的辛勞。

Our youth group had an average attendance of 6-10 people.  My co-leader and I hope that in 2007 we can have one more person to help share in this ministry, especially in the role of planning and coordination.

As for spiritual development of the teachers, I am looking forward to when Tien Wai finishes her academic semester, and can restart this important aspect of our ministry together. 

I want to thank the support and assistance that I have received, and I ask God to continue to bless our work.