


長青團契 Elders Group





榮譽會長: 李鴻皋弟兄      會長: 李振亞弟兄        分享/靈修組長: 卓遵坤弟兄  


長青團契平均出席人數約10人左右,張牧師以上帝的話語餵養我們屬靈的生命。我們曾一起研讀「成長人生」,透過親近上帝、抵擋魔鬼、對付自己、聖靈充滿、滿有聖靈、學像耶穌、與主同行等七大生活主題,期使每位長者的靈命也能隨著年齡而增長;我們也曾一起思想信仰的問題~「到天堂之前,你最想做哪些事?」「 講方言才有聖靈嗎? 」「基督教和天主教、回教有什麼不同?」..透過一些問題的探討來加深自己的信仰;我們也曾一起研讀一位口戴呼吸器、脖子插著氣切管,每小時都必須忍受抽痰痛楚折騰的老牧者在病榻中所完成的信息短文~「耶和華豈有難成的事?」、「不禱告?太可惜了!」「做一個真信耶穌的真信徒」…每一篇短文都帶給我們啟發、激勵與警醒;我們也曾一起聆聽張老師的生命教育、一起探訪需要關懷的教友或獨居老人、一起欣賞以色列聖地所拍攝的信心影片、一起在降臨堂同步體驗耶穌苦路、一起郊遊、一起聚餐飲茶…,一起在歡樂時光中體會上帝的恩典滿滿。



這段聖經話語總會適時浮現在腦海,提醒自己要好好善用世間短暫的時日,仰望天上永恆的生命。 願榮耀歸於永生的天父上帝!

Thanks for grace of God, our group enjoyed fellowship and learning in peace and joy. We don’t remember since when, the Friday meeting coming with hymn, pray, and faith share has been looked forward by us.

There is about ten people join the meeting. Rev. Lily Chang feeds our spiritual life with God’s word. We read “Live to Grow” together to hope our spiritual life growing with our age. We discuss things about faith to deepen our belief. We also listen to life education by Ms. Doris Chang, visit elders living alone, and have outing together. Through these we experience the deep grace and love of God.

“For a thousand year in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night. Our years come to an end like a sigh. Their span is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.”

I always remember these words from God (Psalm 90). It reminds me arranging our short life properly and looking forward the eternal life in heaven.

Glory to eternal God!