2009年第 三十三屆牧區議會/2009VESTRY

主 席/Chairperson:

張玲玲牧師/The Rev. Lily Chang

英文牧師/English Priest:

The Rev. Diane Wong/王重琦牧師

中文部議員/Chinese Members:

胡保生Richard Hu(堂監/Warden)

洪金凱/Jake Hung (副堂監/Junior Warden)

卓言/ Warren Chuo (助理堂監/Assistant Warden)

金敏玲/Cherry Chin

謝永瑜/Shirley Hsieh

陳倚迪/Edith Chen

張志慶/Zh-Chin Chang(後補/Alternate)


英文部議員/English Members:


Gerald Lim(堂監/Warden)

Douglas Yee (助理堂監/Assistant Warden)

Petrus Meyer

Wayne Peter Key



Mark Ohlson/歐陽明



2008年牧區議會/2008 Vestry meeting:1/27,3/9,4/27,6/15,10/26,11/23,1/11 

主要議案及決議事項/Main motions and discussions:


1     牧區議員互選,洪金凱當選本堂本屆副監堂。/Jack Hung was elected junior warden by vestry members.

2     感謝改建小組—建築小組、財務小組、祈禱小組一年多來的努力(2007.3.18經牧區議會授權成立), 因為年初建築原料價格節節上升, 經討論牧區議會決議暫緩改建計劃。/Acknowledgements are given to the reconstruction committees: Building Committee, Funding Committee and Prayer Committee. Due to increase in the cost of building materials, after discussions the vestry has decided to postpone the Church reconstruction project.

3     因必須拆除青草地部份違建,議會不同意幼稚園在青草地立案安親班/Vestry agrees not to register the after school program for kindergarten at Green Pasture. Because it need to tears down part of the structure which is illegal.

4     通過聯合禮拜時間自五月起更改時間為早上9:30分。建議講道以一種語言講述,以另一種語言之文字呈現。/Accepted the suggested new time for the combined service: 9:30a.m., which will begin in May. A suggestion was also made to have the sermon be preached in just 1 language, and then be printed in the other language.

5     牧區辦公室人員將減少一人。/There will be one less staff in the church.

6     同意戶外招牌費用約NT20,000。/Approved the outdoor church sign with an estimated cost of NT20,000.

7     同意再向2009教區年議會提出2007年本牧區議會所提出之2議案。/Agreed to re-submit the two proposals from year 2007 for the 2009 Annual Diocesan Convention.

8     推薦張志慶弟兄、林淵弟兄、謝永瑜姊妹、陳倚迪姊妹為中文堂2009年牧區議員候選人。/Chinese vestry members nominated candidates for next vestry election.

9    教區議會將於3月6日至3月7日召開,因應教區法規之要求,推派2009年教區年議會本堂中英堂監胡保生弟兄、Gerald Lim為當然代表,教友代表潘天佑弟兄、謝永瑜姊妹、英文堂代表1名,候補代表陳倚迪姊妹,並於2009年牧區年會中追認。/Annual diocesan meeting will be held in March 6 to 7. Parish delegates to the meeting are Richard Hu, Gerald Lim, Tim Pan, Shirley Hsieh and 1 from English Congregration. Edith Chen is the first alternate.

10   提名通過對外撥款委員。同意2008年牧區對外撥款: 八里安養院6萬5千; 花蓮畢士大教養院6萬5千; 中壢國際兒童村6萬5千; 道生聖樂學院3萬5千; 聖司提反社區關懷中心5萬; 世界展望會3萬 (指定捐款至投資豐盛生命工程—為原住民兒童教育), 合計31萬。/Approved the Outreach Committee members. Accepted 2008 outreach allocation as follows: Bali Nursing Home–NT$ 65,000; Bethesda Nursing Home–NT$ 65,000; SOS Village–NT$65,000; Tao-Sheng College of Sacred Music–NT$ 35,000; St. Stephen care center–NT$50,000; World vision (Indicate for Taiwanese aboriginal children) –NT$30,000. Total NT$ 310,000.

11   通過教堂2008年修繕總支出為NT$ 1,208,242.由財發基金支出。/Accepted expense of renovation for 2008 is NT$ 1,208,242 paid by “Finance & Development Fund”.

12   接納2008年財務決算報告;教會預算赤字預定588,017元,但全年實際結餘610,969元。因為減少人事支出,實際支出較預算少。/Accepted 2008 financial report. Budgeted deficit for 2008 was NT$ 588,017, and there is now a surplus of NT$ 610,969. Because had two less staffs in 2008, the actual expenditure is less than budgeted.

13  接納2009年預算並提報牧區年會,支出預算多保留一位人力經費,教會預算赤字預定699,169元。/Approved 2009 financial budget Planning report. The cost of hiring an additional staff is reflected in the 2009 expenditure.  As a result, the budgeted deficit for 2009 is NT$ 699,169.