Church Reconstruction Prayer(2008.3.23) |
主啊!我們感謝讚美祢,因祢耐心地引導我們在慎重的商議與嘗試中進行教堂的改建計畫。我們感謝祢,因祢使用這個機會將中英文堂緊緊地連結在一起,共同地來服侍祢,更加深我們對祢的信靠和仰望。 面對眼前的財務困境,求主施恩賜予我們信心和異象 讓我們能以不屈不撓的毅力來跟隨並完成祢所呼召我們去做的。 求祢繼續將聖靈的恩賜賜給我們的教會以及每一位弟兄姐妹,這樣我們就能跟隨祢的聖子耶穌基督的榜樣 ,以寬廣的心胸和堅定的順服,彼此相愛,互相服事 ,使我們的生命彰顯祢的榮耀,永遠蒙主悅納。阿們
Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all your guidance and patience in our deliberations and attempts to begin the reconstruction project. We thank you for using this opportunity to bring the two congregations together to serve you, to strengthen our faith, and to deepen our trust in you. Despite the financial obstacle at hand, grant us faith, vision, and perseverance to follow through and accomplish that which you have called us to do. Continue to grant each one of us and this church the gift of your Spirit; so that following the example of your Son Jesus Christ, we will love and serve others with openness of heart and steadfast obedience, and our lives and intentions will reveal your glory and be always acceptable to you. Amen. |
Church Reconstruction Prayer(2007.9.16) |
慈愛創造的上帝,祢是全備良善之源,我們將教堂改建計劃交託給祢。 我們為中英文堂堂監潘天佑和Gerald禱告,為他們所組成的財務小組,以及他們將向教區提出的財務計劃獻上禱告。求祢找尋合適的小組成員並帶領他們手中的工作。 我們也為洪金凱和Douglas繼續帶領建築小組禱告。我們為建築小組中的幼稚園、辦公室、以及教堂小組準備向教區提出的改建建築計劃禱告。求祢讓他們看見整體教會建築的異象,使這新的教堂建築合乎我們的需要,更榮耀祢的聖名。
我們期望能成為祢所賜一切事務的好管家。讓我們透過改建的過程,使我們在信心與彼此相愛中成長。我們這樣禱告,是奉我們信心的建造者耶穌基督的名求。阿們。 |
Loving and creative God, the Source of all that is good and worthwhile, we lift up to you our reconstruction project. We pray for Tim Pan and Gerald Lim as they assemble a Finance Committee that will prepare a financial plan to present to the diocese. Please lead the appropriate people to be a part of this committee and guide their work. We pray for Jake Hung and Douglas Yee as they continue to lead the Building Committee. We pray for the Kindergarten, Office Building, and Church Building Sub-Committees as they prepare plans to present to the diocese. Please give these people a vision of the buildings that would meet our needs and bring you glory.
We pray especially for Cesar Reyes as
he prepares to lead the English Congregation in a discussion about the
church design on September 30th. Please help the We long to be good and effective stewards of all with which you have blessed us. Through this process, may we grow in our faith and our love for one another. In the name of Jesus Christ, the architect of our faith, we pray. Amen. |
Church Reconstruction Prayer(2007.7.22) |
全能慈悲的上帝,祢是良善之源,是配得稱頌的,我們將教堂改建計畫交託給祢。求祢賜給我們勇氣去迎接教堂改建計畫所面對的經費不足,期間的團契聚會場所之尋覓,幼稚園搬遷難處,社區服務中心事工之繼續,求主幫助我們,清楚的表達,新建教堂和辦公室的規格,更適合我們的理想和需要。更求祢賜給我們智慧聆聽祢的安排,接受祢的引導,協助整體教會因著本次更新進而凝結全堂教友信仰更堅定、互愛更密。也請上帝作工讓牧愛堂所有教友藉祈禱看見主的旨意,這都是靠慈愛的主耶穌基督的名求。阿們。 |
Almighty and gracious God, the Source of all that is good and worthwhile, we lift up to you our reconstruction project. Grant us courage to face the challenges of raising funds, finding suitable relocation sites for our transition, and especially resolving the difficulties and uncertainties that the kindergarten will encounter. Dear God, we ask that you help us to clearly indicate the specifications of the new church and office building so that they may appropriately and ideally suite your plan for us. Give us prayerfully hearts so we may know your will; and grant us wisdom to listen to your voice and accept your guidance. Through this project, may you deepen our faith and strengthen our love for one another. All this we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Church Reconstruction Prayer(2007.5.25) |
良善之源、配得我們稱頌的上帝阿,我們將教堂改建計畫交託給祢。求祢的聖靈引導我們,尋求在祢眼中看為喜悅的事。求祢幫助我們成為祢的好管家,管理祢所賜給我們的所有事物。 我們感謝祢帶領建築小組推薦出郭建築師來。求祢幫助我們全堂在今年夏天和郭建築師會談時能賜給我們智慧與遠見,讓我們明白是否應該繼續以他的建築設計來進行。 求祢在前為我們即將來臨的過渡期間預備道路,讓我們所做的決定對中英兩堂會眾、幼稚園、老人服務中心、以及其他事工都是最好的。 願祢的名不單只在改建之後得著榮耀,更在改建的過程中得著榮耀。幫助我們將心思意念專注於祢,在祢的愛中合而為一,在我們彼此的相愛上活出見證。 這都是靠著我們的教會以及普世聖教會的元首,我們的主耶穌基督,阿們!
Our God, the Source of all that is good and worthwhile, we lift up to you our reconstruction project. Lead us by Your Spirit as we seek to do that which is pleasing in Your sight. Help us to be good stewards of all with which You have blessed us. We give You thanks for guiding the Building Committee to their recommendation of Architect Guo. As the congregations interview him this summer, grant us further wisdom and insight to know if we should proceed with his design. Go before us as we prepare for our upcoming transition period. May we do that which is best for all involved as decisions are made regarding both congregations, the Kindergarten, the Senior Citizens’ Service Center, and our other ministries. May You be glorified not simply in the outcome of the reconstruction, but in the process as well. Help us to remain focused on You, unified in our love for You, and active in our love for one another. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Head of this church and the Church throughout the world. Amen.
Church Reconstruction Prayer(2007.4.7) |
全能、有諸般智慧的上帝啊,求藉著祢的判斷與權能,以及對改建計劃的眷顧,讓我們的教堂改建工作能順利完成。求祢賜給我們智慧與耐心,讓我們能妥善、有效地使用祢所給予我們的資源。求祢賜給建築小組的成員智慧與遠見,讓他們不受到任何偏見的影響,能在不同的建築方案中,依祢的旨意選出最適合的建築方案來,好完成祢對我們牧區事工的期待。願祢保佑我們可以找到合適的場所,好讓我們在過渡期間能繼續祢的服務與事工。引導我們在幼稚園、老人服務中心與其他事工上做出正確的決定,好讓我們在祢的恩典中能夠與彼此,也能與這個社區維持健康、相愛、相互支持的關係,同時也使我們和我們所服務的這個社區在這段過渡期間能繼續成長、茁壯。求祢賜恩典給我們,使我們能拓展祢的國度、宣揚祢的榮耀。我們在祢面前的祈禱都是靠著耶穌基督我們的主,阿們。 |
O God of all wisdom & power, by Whose judgment & authority alone our endeavours are brought to a successful completion, look favourably upon our reconstruction project. Grant us the wisdom & patience to make good, effective use of the resources You have supplied us with. Grant to the Building Committee wisdom & insight so that, undistracted by irrelevant biases, they may look upon the various proposals set before them and see them as You see them, and choose the proposal that is best suited to Your expectations of this parish. Show us suitable venues, provided by Your unfailing providence, for our continued service & ministry during the upcoming transition period; guide us in the necessary decisions affecting the Kindergarten, the Senior Citizens' Service Center, and our other ministries, so that by Your grace we may be able to maintain healthy, loving, and supportive relationships with each other and with the community around us and that this transition period may prove to be a time of growth & lasting enrichment for us and for the community we serve. Grant our endeavours grace to further Your Kingdom and proclaim Your Glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, in Whose Name all our prayers are set before You. Amen.
本堂改建小組將由三個小組組成, 目前這三個小組都需要弟兄姐妹的參與、支持與代禱。
改建小組/The Church Reconstruction committee |
張玲玲牧師/The Rev. Lily Chang ( 主任牧師/Rector) |
committee |
組長/Chairperson: |
潘天佑/Tim Pan(堂監/Warden) |
助理/Assistant: |
Mr. Gerald Lim (英文堂堂監/English Warden) |
建築小組/Building committee |
組長/Chairperson: |
洪金凱/Jake Hung (副堂監/Junior Warden) |
助理/Assistant: |
Mr. Douglas Yee |
祈禱小組/Prayer committee |
組長/Chairperson: |
助理/Assistant: |
謝永瑜/Shirley Hsieh (助理堂監/Assistant Warden) |