




主日學  Sunday School   校長: 曾麗琴

[回顧2007 ]               [高小]            教育資源網站








1.        文宣宣傳:凡是主日學較大型的活動均製作海報張貼。

2.        增加主日學團契聚會:團契可以凝聚向心力,分享教學。

3.        E化教學內容並新增品格教育:使孩子們行為舉止符合神的喜愛。

4.        走向社區:由幼稚園開始宣傳,再漸進的深入附近校園等。


 Sunday School’s vision – 2008

Under the effort of whole Sunday school team, we have a creative and prosperous year in 2007.Outlook 2008, Sunday school should “Dig into our community”. Have more and more parents in the community to bring their children into Good Shepherd Church will be our mission this year. This not only the mission for Sunday School teachers, but also the mission of all sisters and brothers, you and me in the church.

Here I put my plane in the new year as below:

1.           Advertisement –Put posters for all Sunday School’s important activities.

2.           Fellowship –Sunday School is not only a group of teacher for teaching, but also a fellowship to share experience and love of our Christ together.

3.           Add moral education material into the lessons.

4.           Start from Good Shepherd Kindergarten to walk into primary schools in the society.

Children need our leading and guiding to know our beloved god. Any of you, who gets the calling from God. Welcome to join our Sunday School fellowship.