Worship Schedule and Congregation Updates
English Service: 9:30am with Sunday School
Chinese Service: 11:00am
A bilingual service is held on the fourth Sunday of each month:
Combined Bilingual Service: 09:30am
Current bulletins, announcements, and other updates can all be found through our blog. Please check there often for the latest news.
Our Contact Information
English Priest email: dianeckwong@yahoo.com
English Priest cell phone: 0972-016-873
English Priest home phone: (02) 2873-8104
Rector: Rev. Lily Chang
The Church of the Good Shepherd
509 Chung-cheng Road, Shilin Taipei, Taiwan
Church phone: (02) 2882-2462, 2881-8102
電話: (02) 2882-2462, 2881-8102
Church email: goodshepherdadmin@gmail.com
How to find us
Directions to Good Shepherd
The Red 10, Red 7, 206, 255, & 620 buses pass the Shilin MRT and the church.
From Tienmu, the 508, 536, 601, & 206 buses go to the church.
Our bus stop is Yang-Ming High School.