[Rector's Report]


2009 Annual Parish Meeting Report
by The  Rev. Diane Wong, English Priest

[Senior Warden]

    [Warden of the English]  

2008 Annual Report - English-speaking Congregation, the Rev. Diane Wong

英文堂牧師報告 - 王重琦牧師 

I would like to thank God for presenting to the English congregation wonderful opportunities that allowed us to serve, and to strengthen the Body of Christ.  The highlights of our ministries for 2008 can be categorized in the following areas:


I. Liturgical/崇拜儀式 

-          Baptism of Lauren Chao (January);

一月:Lauren Chao 接受洗禮

-          Sunday Holy Eucharist with 16 guests from the EAM Conference in Kaohsuing  (June);

六月:與來自高雄 EAM 大會的16位弟兄姊妹一同守聖餐崇拜

-          Joint Eucharist at Good Shepherd with the English-speaking congregation of St. James’, Taichung  (August);

八月:台中St. James 英文堂會友北上與牧愛堂共同舉行聖餐崇拜

-          Sunday wedding service of Karl Jesienowski and Suzanne Panniers with the congregation standing in as extended family (September);

九月:英文堂會友參加並見證 Karl Jesienowski 與 Suzanne Panniers 的主日婚禮

-          Celebration of Canadian Thanksgiving, and our communion with the Anglican Church of Canada (October);


-          Remembrance Day Service in collaboration with the British Trade Office (November);


-          Annual Advent Lessons and Carols with Holy Eucharist organized by Mary Reyes  (December).

十二月:一年一度的降臨節詩歌與經課頌讚聖餐崇拜由會友 Mary Reyes 籌劃


“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise”  (Psalm 95:2)

「 我們要來感謝他,用詩歌向他歡呼!」(詩篇95:2)


II    Fellowship/團契生活


1.       Luncheons/午餐會

-          Baptism luncheon of Lauren Chao hosted by the Chao family (January);

一月:趙家為女兒Lauren 接受洗禮所獻上的午餐會

-          Easter Sunday luncheon hosted by the Ohlson family  (April);

四月:在 Ohlson家舉辦復活節午餐會

-          End of  year luncheon hosted by the Meyer family  (June);


-          Beginning of  year and fall luncheon, the birthday of Ida Meyer, and the wedding celebration of Karl and Suzanne Jeseinowski, hosted by the Chao family  (September);

九月:在趙家舉行慶祝開學及秋季午餐會、Ida Meyer生日會、Karl 與 Suzanne 的婚禮

-          Special luncheon to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my ministry with the congregation and my birthday; hosted by the Reyes family (November);


-          American Thanksgiving celebration hosted by the Lau and Lim families at the American Club  (November);

十一月:在Lau 及 Lim家舉辦慶祝美國感恩節餐會

-          Christmas luncheon hosted by the Lau family (December).



2.         Bible Study  查經班

We continued with our monthly morning bible study at the home of Mary Reyes, and monthly evening bible study with dinner.  In November, we also started a lunchtime bible study for those who work in town. 
每月一次的週四查經班持續在Mary Reyes家舉行,而週五的晚餐查經班也持續進行中。從十一月起,我們也為在市區工作的弟兄姊妹開始一個午餐查經班。


3.        Sunday School 主日學

Our Sunday School extended from 2 Sundays a month to 3 Sundays a month since September. 



“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father, we are the clay; and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.”  (Isaiah 64:8)

「 耶和華啊,現在你仍是我們的父!我們是泥,你是窯匠;我們都是你手的工作。」(以賽亞書64:8)


II.     Support from the Episcopal Church/來自聖公會的支持


-          Received as a gift additional copies of the 1982 Hymnal and Book of Common Prayer from the Prayer Book and Bible Society.

Prayer Book and Bible Society提供多本1982讚美詩歌集及公禱文

-          Received a grant from the Mission Office of the Episcopal Church for our joint fellowship with the English-speaking congregation of St. James’, Taichung.


-          Bill Bryson awarded the St. George Award for his service in the spiritual, physical, mental and moral development of youth through Boy Scouts.

頒發St. Geroge Award 給本堂會友Bill Bryson。這是全國認可的榮譽,認同他藉由童軍活動,對年輕人屬靈性、身體、心靈及道德發展的傑出貢獻。


 “I am the vine, and you are the branches…apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。… 因為離了我,你們就不能做甚麼。」 (約翰福音15:5)


IV.   Community Building & Outreach/社區關係建設與outreach


-          Monthly visits to Animals Taiwan organized by Katia Chen;

每月一次前往動物之家的義工活動由Katia Chen 安排

-          Monthly visits to St. Anne’s Home, together with members of the Wednesday bible study group;


-          Documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” shown at the American Club  (March);

三月:在美僑俱樂部舉行電影欣賞 ─ “An Inconvenient Truth”

-          Pre-marital counseling for Kristen Brock and Aaron Truax; 2 TAS teachers (April – May);

四月∼五月:為美國學校老師Kristen Brock 和 Aaron Truax 作婚前輔導

-          Participation in the film viewing on FEPOW Day organized by POW Taiwan (August);


-          Celebration of Eucharist at St. Luke’s, Hualien (August);


-          Collaboration with the British Trade Office for Remembrance Day Service (November);


-          Guest preacher at the annual POW Memorial Service in Jinguashi (November)


-          Participation in Lighthouse Prison Ministry for Christmas celebration at the Taoyuen prison (December);


-          Celebration of Eucharist, baptism, and joint fellowship with the English-speaking congregation of St. James’, Taichung  (February, May, and December).



“No one have greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”  (John 15:13)



I would like to especially give thanks for the following:


1.       Visits and support by representatives of the Mission Office and Province VIII;

來自Mission Office(宣教處)及Province VIII (第八教省) 代表的探訪與支持

2.       Mary Reyes’ dedicated service on the vestry;

Mary Reyes 在牧區議會中的獻身服事

3.       Wayne Peter Keys joining the vestry;

Wayne Peter Keys 加入牧區議會

4.       Our members who persevered through the process of visioning and setting goals for the congregation


5.       Last but not the least, the rich and faithful sharing and fellowship amongst members of the Wednesday bible study, which speaks clearly of God’s presence and spirit.



“Lt the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper the work of our hands – O prosper the work of our hands!”  (Psalm 90:17)

「願主─我們 神的榮美歸於我們身上。願你堅立我們手所做的工;我們手所做的工,願你堅立。」(詩篇九十17)



