
Minutes of the 32nd Annual Parish Meeting of the Good Shepherd in 2008


時間/Time2008 127(聯合聖餐禮拜後)1/27/2008after a combined service

地點/Place:牧愛堂/Church of the Good Shepherd 


1. 會議由張玲玲牧師主持。Rev. Lily Chang chaired the meeting.

2. 開會祈禱:王重琦牧師帶領禱告。Rev. Diane Wong led an opening prayer.

3. 湯進聖弟兄報告出席人數80人,中文堂領選票51人。

Ching-sheng Tang announced that total attendees were 80, among whom 51Chinese members received ballots.

4. 通過第三十一屆年會紀錄。Accepted 31st Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

5. 通過提案:追認教區年會代表。

Approved the Proposal: approve the Parish delegates to Diocesan Annual meeting.

6. 潘天佑堂監介紹中文部牧區議員候選人:洪金凱弟兄、陳倚迪姊妹、金敏玲姊妹、曾楷洋弟兄、魏靜芬姊妹、卓言弟兄。

Chinese Warden, Tim Pan, introduced candidates for Chinese vestry members. Their names are recorded above in Chinese.

7. 選舉牧區議員。Election of Chinese vestry members.

8. 財務報告:司庫趙文宜姊妹提出2007年年度決算及2008年預算, (請潘天佑堂監代報告)。Financial report by Tim Pan, taking the place of the Treasurer Chao Wen-yi (Treasurer Hon.).

8.1 2007年年度決算The final of 2007:

8.1.1. 2007 financial report is attached./2007年財務決算報表如附件。

8.1.2. Budgeted deficit was NT$ 758,687. The actual deficit was NT$ 741,511. All items looked normal./教會預算赤字預定NT$ 758,687元, 但全年實際赤字NT$ 741,511元,各項支出均屬正常。

8.1.3 The amount of pledge was NT$2,988,300, which was the highest in recent years and also was NT$136,949 higher than 2006./月捐奉獻收入NT$2,988,300元,較2006年多NT$136,949元,為近年來最高。

8.1.4. Budgeted deficit of social department was NT$ 61,958. The actual deficit was NT$ 148,352.  It is more than budget NT$86,394.  Mainly due to the decrease of income of tuition of elder college. Other items looked normal./社工部預算赤字預定NT$ 61,958元, 但全年實際赤字NT$ 148,352元,超過預算NT$86,394元。收支逆差增加主要原因為學員收入減少, 各項支出均屬正常。

8.1.5. 2007 deficit was NT$ 741,511. According to parish constitution, vestry’s approval is necessary to have this deficit covered by F&D Fund./2007年財務決算後不足NT$ 741,511元,提議由財發基金來支付不足款。

8.2. 2008年預算The budget for 2008:

Budget Planning of 2008 is attached. The 2008 budget deficit is NT$588,017./2008年財務預算報表如附件。2008年預算赤字NT$588,017元。

討論與決議:Discussions and Decision:

1.接納2007年度決算及通過2008年預算。Accepted the 2007 final and 2008 budget.

2.接納2007年赤字NT$ 741,511元不足款,依據本牧區組織章程,本會同意由財發基金支付。Acknowledged the 2007 deficit, NT$ 741,511, and agreed to compensate the deficit using the F&D Fund.

3.建議減少支出以因應赤字預算。Suggested that we should reduce expenses to overcome the deficit problem.

9. 牧區報告。(如手冊) Parish report is attached.

10. 主任牧師報告載入講道文稿內。Rector’s report was given as today’s sermon.

11. 英文堂牧師報告。(如手冊) English Chaplain’s report is attached.

12. 堂監報告。(如手冊) Warden’s report is attached.

13. 英語部堂監報告。(如手冊) English Warden’s report is attached.

14. 各團契報告。(如手冊) Fellowship’s report is attached.

15. 幼稚園園務報告。(如手冊) Kindergarten’s report is attached.

16. 社工部報告。(如手冊) Social Service’s report is attached.

17. 選舉結果:領選票計51張,有效票49張。



Announced the election results of the Vestry members. Names of the elected members are recorded above in Chinese.

18. 主任牧師張玲玲牧師指定潘天佑弟兄為本屆本堂堂監, Gerald Lim為英文堂監, 卓言弟兄為助理堂監。Rev. Lily Chang (Rector) appointed Tim Pan as the Senior Warden, Gerald Lim the English Warden, Warren Chuo the Chinese Assistant Warden.

19. 牧區議員委任禮。Commissioning of Vestry Members.

20. 結束禱告:張玲玲牧師帶領禱告。Rev. Lily Chang led a closing prayer.